Our Why and How
Our Why and How
Wear The Change We don't want to be yet another clothing brand. We do not offer a collection for each season. We are slow. We make the best seasonless high-quality clothes. Our clothes pollute less and we respect the planet and its inhabitants in our process. Our actions are geared towards being a part of a change - all the while making sure you are wrapped in our amazingly soft woolen garments. Integrity and quality have a lower cost per wear in the long run - for people, planet, and animals.
Ayo Oslo represents a novel approach to the narrative of our clothing choices. Our inception was rooted in the birth of the founder's son, who faced early-onset eczema. This prompted a relentless pursuit for soft, natural, and high-quality woolens, akin to finding a needle in a haystack.
Three years of research led to the development of our intricate value chain, recognized and supported by Innovation Norway, the government's innovation and industry development arm. This journey reflects our unwavering commitment and integrated approach to addressing consumerism challenges with sustainability in mind.
"When we have the opportunity to take action, it is our responsibility to do so. We've drawn valuable lessons from our past to ensure a better future, for we share this one planet, entrusted to us by the generations to come."
- Maria Amor Lagmay, Founder and Creative Director of Ayo Oslo
Many of us care about the consequences of our purchase choices. However, we usually don't have the time nor the information we need to make sure what we buy aligns with our values.
Ayo Oslo set out to create woollen garments that would step forward from the status quo challenges in the textile industry. Our seasonless wardrobe staples offer a transparent solution. The wool of the highest fiber quality is traceable - making it easy for our consumer to keep warm and true to their values by knowing how our clothes are made, the impact of our clothes and the people and animals behind it.
But it's not only about clothes. We want to be a part of a positive change, and we love that you've found your way to this page to take part; by wearing the change.
We at Ayo Oslo believe that responsibly made quality clothing should be a standard - in every wardrobe. Our high quality woollen staples are made of noble raw material. They are made with diligence that is respectful to all entities involved. And in our process we want to raise as much awareness possible.
We believe our quality affordable staples contribute to smart consumption - with less impact and more value.
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