Where do Ayo Oslo's garments come from?
It is important to us at Ayo Oslo that you are confident that the clothes you wear are good for the planet, animals and yourself. We choose to have an open communication regarding where our clothes come from.
All the wool in our garments comes from Mongolia. The wool from cashmere, yak and camel is fur from their undercoat that must be brushed by hand (you can read more about our wool here). These animals are grazing animals. We collect our wool from shepherds who collaborate in an environmental management project. The goal is to manage grazing areas in a sustainable way to ensure that degraded grazing areas are rehabilitated. Poor management of grazing areas leads to desertification. This is a growing problem in Mongolia. At Ayo Oslo we work to counteract this.
We knit our sweaters in Mongolia. This ensures that the value chain remains in Mongolia and contributes to economic growth. It also eliminates unnecessary transport. Big amounts of water and energy is required to the processing of clothes. In our garments there are no artificial dyes. This helps to reduce water consumption and avoid the release of toxic chemicals. Our partners, who process the raw materials for final garments, are committed to the environment. This is done by practicing pollution prevention and pollution control. They invest in green projects in the local community. It is an important step towards greener clothing production.
With the right treatment of clothes made of cashmere, yak and camel, your garments will last for many, many years. The most sustainable clothes are the ones you already have. By wearing a garment for a long time, you reduce your footprint on the planet. Once the garment has lived its full cycle; has been used year after year, repaired, handed down as heirloom or donated to thrift shops, it will not lead to discharges into nature. Wool is biodegradable. Since we also do not add artificial substances, there is nothing that is released into nature that is not there before.